Birthday Parties

Host your child's birthday party outside!

Choose from one of our 3 packages below and email with your requested date, time and package.

Party A -Natural Free Play
Ages 2-5, Hundred Acre Wood


Invite your birthday party guests and their parent(s) to explore our forest trail and play in one of our 2 outdoor play areas. Our fenced toddler area has play features suitable for 2-3 year olds. Our preschool area has features suitable for 3-5 year olds. We have sandboxes, slides, mud kitchens, run bikes, toboggan hills and swings. Our building has washrooms and a full kitchen available for your use.

Cost: $200
Duration: 2.5 hours

Includes: Use of outdoor space, indoor washrooms and kitchen, staff person on site to unlock/lock building.
Does not include: Food, drinks, event insurance (required). Insurance can be purchased here:

Party B - Forest Adventure
Ages 6-8 @ Hundred Acre Wood


A forest school facilitator will join you and up to 10 children for a forest adventure!  The facilitator will guide the group to several play destinations using our trail system.  Children can organize their own play, or the facilitator will offer 2-3 activity ideas such as whittling, story telling, friction fire starting, fairy house building, and more. 

Cost: $300
Duration: 3 hours (2hrs excursion, 1hr food, drink and play outside at the centre)

Includes: Use of outdoor space, indoor washrooms and kitchen, staff person on site to unlock/lock building.
Does not include: Food, drinks, event insurance (required). Insurance can be purchased here:

Party C - Survival Birthday
Ages 8-12 @ Metcalf Rock

A forest school facilitator will join you and up to 10 children for a forest adventure!  The facilitator will guide the group to several play destinations using our trail system.  Children can organize their own play, or the facilitator will offer 2-3 survival activity ideas such as whittling, story telling, friction fire starting, shelter building, and more.  

Cost: $300
Duration: 3 hours (2hrs excursion, 1hr food, drink and play outside at the centre)

Includes: Facilitated excursion and activities. Access to the building, washrooms, kitchen and property.
Does not include: Food, drinks, event insurance (required). Insurance can be purchased here: